Let's start at the beginning - you can't have a successful date if you can't ask her out!  Approach anxiety is landing in the way of your happiness, and it must be overcome!

You know, there's actually a debate going on over whether or not you actually can overcome approach anxiety.  Some people think that approach anxiety is hardwired into our genetic makeup.  Others insist that approach anxiety actually can be overcome.

Try out some of these tricks for overcoming approach anxiety:

The 3-second Rule

It's easy to put this approach to work.  The underlying assumption is this: the more you ponder whether or not to approach a woman, or how to, the more uncertain you become about it and the more unlikely it is you'll ever talk to her.  Don't give the fear any time to build up.  Within 3 seconds of seeing a woman you want to meet, approach her.  To be effective, you've got to commit to doing this all the time.  Don't waste time or opportunities thinking up exceptions or excuses, though, or you won't have any time left for meeting wonderful women!  There'll be times - like when you're running to catch a plane - when you really can't follow the 3-second rule, no matter how stunning and interesting she looks. But in most situations, as long as it's alright to talk out loud, go for it!

How the Power of Money Overcomes Approach Anxiety

A wingman is necessary to this approach, but it's remarkably successful.  Sometimes, just having a buddy there watching is sufficient motivation - I mean, who wants to shame himself in front of his friends by being afraid to get out there and meet the women you really want to meet?

But if you need greater motivation, try this: give your wingman $100 in cash  You get the money back - in chunks of $10 or $20, every time you approach a woman and actually talk with her.  You have to talk beforehand to determine how much he gives you back each time, and if you get more for a longer talk.  If you don't go out and meet women, then, you're going to go home broke!

Of course, in the final analysis, these are just patches, temporary fixes for a problem.  They don't really solve the problem.  To permanently remove approach anxiety from your makeup, you're going to have to put some time and effort into determining its root cause and dealing with that.

Some people think that approach anxiety is genetic, that it's hardwired into some our DNA.  I disagree with that; I think approach anxiety is learned.

When you analyze approach anxiety, you realize that what you're really feeling when you're hanging back from approaching a woman is shame.

Simply put, when you're experiencing approach anxiety, what you're really feeling at some level is shame. Perhaps there are elements of your own makeup, like your sexuality, that you're not really comfortable with, or perhaps you don't feel deserving of having such an exciting woman in your life.  Who knows?  Everyone's situation is unique, and I don't want to paint everyone with a broad brush.
It's a matter of pride – every guy would love to attract a girl who is so hot people will shake their heads in disbelief.

Believe it or not, it can happen. I'm proof. It's a great feeling to wake up in the morning and wonder why. But, I quit wondering and just enjoyed.

Step 1: Make a Move

Take action. Start talking. If you're going to land one of those out-of-your-league girls.  Look, the girl's hot, she probably knows it. The thing about good-looking women is that they don't have to ask guys out, they ask her.

Maybe it's not fair, you having to do all the work. But, it's a fact of life.  An attractive girl won't make a move. It's up to you to get in there and make the move.

Step 2: Make the Move – Ask Her Out

Alright! You've moved in and your talking. You're one hoof ahead of the rest of the herd.  Keep things moving, keep her talking. The more you can get her to talk, the easier things get.

Hopefully you've thought of something interesting to do with her. So, go ahead and ask. Tell her about it. Tell her you'd like to share it with her. Ask her out.  Be creative. A burger and a shake can go a long way, but not that far. Maybe a stroll down a street that's having a sidewalk bazaar; get some kebobs from a street vendor to eat in a nearby park.

Don't be too busy or not busy enough when you go out. Movies – not good. You sit in the dark and don't talk. You need a chance to get to know each other, to flirt.

Step 3: The Big Step

The girl has probably figured out that you really like her, but if you don't really show it, she'll get the yawns and move on.  You think she's hot, let her know. Otherwise, you'll end up being a confidant and not a boy friend.

Take the lead. Be bold. Be confident. Women like that sort of masculinity.  Take a risk. Tell her exactly how you feel about her. Give her a kiss.  The best way to let a girl know how you feel is to tell her you think she's sexy.

“Sexy” is a marker word. It let's her know that you've got ideas about her and that they aren't platonic. That if you hang out together, it's going to be more than friendly.

The girl may be out of your league, but you can probably attract her by following these guidelines.  Basically, what you need to do is set aside any fear or confidence issues and take action.  It may not be easy to muster the courage, but, you know, someone's going to end up dating these hot girls and it might as well be you.
Would you like to learn how to let a girl know you like her?  Firstly, don't try to rationalize the entire thing with her – Plenty of men will take a seat and craft a whole presentation basically and practice it in order to say it just right.  Then they spend time with the woman and simply spill their thoughts out to her.  In many cases the guy will be so jumpy the whole time that his romantic declaration will only look awkward or creepy.

There are two reasons why this is the opposite of what you ought to be doing.

The first reason why this is not really appropriate is because you're simply approaching it from a standpoint that you have to rationalize liking her.  This is basically another symptom of trying to impress the woman and show her that you are deserving of her.  She won’t think this is a turn on and this may hurt your chances with her if she already does like you.  It is fine to just like a girl without having to rationalize it.

Secondly, you are so swept up in your mind going through your speech that you're not actually there with the girl.  Your brain is off with its own thoughts, which girls find really unappealing and will kill just about all connection.  Alternatively, try to get yourself fully to the current moment and be there with her.

You're likely thinking this is all hippy-dippy junk, but you'd be amazed at how very true this is.  If you need help with this, just work on concentrating on your body.  Can you feel how your feet are touching the ground or how the clothing you are wearing feels on your skin?  Or think about that warm feeling in your upper body when you spend time with the girl?  I hope you can start to grasp why this is so vital when you are talking to girls?

I hope you are starting to get this.

Sure that is great, but what are some actual things you can do to prove to her you dig her?  Here is how to let a girl know you like her the proper way.

There's a phrase in the seduction community named an SOI - Statement of Intent.  The SOI was introduced by Juggler (a PUA name for a man named Wayne Elise).  A simple SOI looks like this:

Her: My dress rehearsal is tomorrow night.  I'm so looking forward to my dancing performance on Sunday.

You:  I really think it is sexy how dedicated and passionate you are about your performance.

By telling her that she is "sexy" you are sending a quite strong but subtle message to her that you don't want to simply be friends with her.  It's a very subtle detail, but this lets the woman know that she can move forward and begin hitting on you.  Just say this casualy and do not try to build it up into some type of huge thing.  The point here is to be sophisticated.  Don't get worried, she won't miss it.

There is another way to let a woman know that you like her, which would be to just be direct and blunt with it.

For example, maybe you could be getting together with her and one of those quiet moments falls over both of you.  You need to do what a man does here and simply take her and say something such as "I really want to kiss you now."  Then you need to follow this up by kissing her.  Not just a peck on the cheek, but a proper kiss.  This will likely seem a little daunting initially, but girls think this is really romantic.

The major difference between this and the awkward, nervous approach above, is that, firstly, this isn't some sort of rehearsed trick you kind of stumble through.  And secondly, this is something which a real man would do.  You are honestly letting her know that you want to kiss her, not simply getting all tense about whether or not she will say yes when you ask her to "perhaps maybe think of" being your girlfriend.  You have no feeling of guilt over it.  When you do this type of thing, it shows women you have plenty of motivation and you can follow-through on the things you want in life.

So, that is how to let a girl know you like her.  The important factor here is make sure that it is laid back and not some type of big deal.  If you just act like it is the most ordinary and natural thing there is, she'll deal with it so and follow suit.
I've had many conversations with guys that center around how to make girls like you.  Face it, any bloke in his right frame would want to be the center of attention in a room full of women.  That sort of scenario made me want to learn all I could about how to be a lady's man. It worked – I have a perfect girl for two years now.

Don't worry too much about the mirror. No matter how ugly or handsome, there's always someone better or worse. But, what to do?

Guess what? The ladies like personality more than they like looks.  As long as you're clean and decently dressed, you definitely have a good shot at a good woman.

So what if you inherited a less than average set of genes. You have power in other areas:

Self-confidence is like a magnet for women.

Self-confidence is a powerful tool. If you exude self-confidence, you've practically got a woman on your arm.  Self-confidence is not a mysterious, hardly attainable trait. You just need the faith in yourself to do things that you or others may be afraid to do, and you need to believe that you are right.

Don't worry about it. Just do it. Start with small endeavors and build yourself up.  Handling what life throws at you, and handling it well, will gradually build your self-confidence.

Life skills. Getting them will make girls like you.

“Skills?” you may ask. Yes, skills. Gals want guys who can do neat things.  (Drinking contests, lighting farts, or winning a hot-dog eating championship, all may require a sort of  skill, but not the kind that will win a lady's heart.)  Figure out some fundamental skills that will attract, even surprise, women, and then you're building success.

You can really shine with if you can cook a great meal. Or if you know how to dance. Do you have an interesting  hobby? Or perhaps there's one you'd like to pick up. Paint, play the guitar.  There are so many regular old guys out there. Stand out in the crowd. Develop some life skills that may be simple, but will make a difference.

Flirt! Yes, flirt! You can make girls like you by flirting.

Flirting, and doing it well, is a great way to get girls to like you. Flirt as often as you can to keep yourself sharp.

Flirt, but flirt well. Flirting is absolutely an art, a high skill.

There are two main rules about flirting: It can't be overly serious and it must make the girl feel good about herself.

It is not flirting to let out a wolf call and holler at a young lady that she has a nice rear end. That's not flirting. That's being subhuman.  Such action is not flirting, it fails twice:  1) since she probably doesn't know you, she's not going to take it seriously,  2) there's is no way a woman could feel good about herself when hollered at in this fashion, it is demeaning to her; and guys who act like this are basically animals with no manners.

With these three hints to guide you, you'll ma girls to like you no matter where you may find yourself.  All these guidelines do is allow your personality to shine.  Just be happy, be fun-loving, be self-confident, know how to do a few neat things, and know how to flirt – the  ladies will follow.
You didn't throw your money away when you signed up for your online dating service, but you probably made some serious errors when you built your profile – serious enough that you're just getting ignored.

Let's take another look at your profile and fix some of the biggest or most common errors you have probably made:

Mistake #1: Don't Use “Guy Speak” When You're Building Your Online Dating Profile.

Sure, you're a guy and you talk like a guy. But, this is the first step in thinning the herd. You've got to talk in a way that women appreciate.  Most men are pretty straight forward. They think in terms of facts and truths. “I'm a happy guy.” “I like to have fun.” “I like funny women.”

Statements like those are lady-killers and not in a good way.  Think about it, a woman doesn't want a series of little factoids. That's yawn city.  Women want to know what kind of guy you are. They can figure the other stuff out later.  So, shuck the facts; show her who you are, not what you are.

The Fix: When you're writing your online dating profile, be explicit with little snippets from your life that give her some insight as to how you operate.  Wax poetic: “When I go camping in the woods, I love the way the morning sun dapples the forest floor.”  Now, next to that inspired statement, how does, “I think camping is fun.” sound? Yup. Skimpy.

Mistake #2: A Profile Picture That Makes Her Wish You'd Left It Blank.

Look very critically at your portrait before you post it.  Many guys use an old office organization chart picture. Eyes half-closed and tie askew. Please don't. Even if your eyes are wide and your tie's neat.

You may have an awesome body that you've worked real hard to get real hard. But body shots lack class. The most they impart is that you're only interested in a physical relationship. That to you, internet dating is sex dating, period.

The Fix: Get a picture worth a thousand words that are all about you.  Your profile photo doesn't have to be a studio portrait. A nice picture that handsomely shows you at your happy best will suffice. Maybe doing something you've written about in your profile.

Mistake #3: Unfortunate Profile Name.

Remember, a name means a lot. What does “Desperate4Luv” or “ShyGuy85” mean? Pathetic, that's what. And skip the boring, “Jim95” or “Handsome77”.

The Fix: Conjure up something memorable and fascinating, as you are, something like “GuitarsAndGears” if you're into stock car racing and steel guitars.  Remember the warning about body shot photos? Don't make your name offensive. Double meanings could work, though.  Let her wonder about “AnimalLover”, especially if you've mentioned in your profile that you're a veterinarian.

Now that you know of these three mistakes, you should have few problems as you sit down and start building or rebuilding your online dating profile. And you'll see the results you want.

It's within the realm of possibilities that your profile could get you a first response before you do anything.
A lot of guys have heard of online dating and give it a try to meet some new women.  They sign up with one of the dating sites, upload a few photos, and write a few paragraphs about themselves. But without the online dating tips men need to know that I’m giving out here, most guys will have very poor results with online dating.

Getting no results at all can hurt a guy’s ego.  You sign up with these sites and you think you should at least get one or two women to notice you.  But most guys won’t even get a single message from a woman online.  Why would this happen?

Online Dating Tips Men Need to Know: The rules are completely different online

You should know first that women are to going to have the upper hand on these site.  There are too many guys who are eager to meet women online.  They are just sending the same email to hundreds of women.  Or they send offensive messages.  Or they just send her their whole story as a first email.

To tell you the truth, women generally won’t send email first.  The fact is they do not have to put in much effort at all with online dating.

So you see, the deck is stacked against you.

Online Dating Tips Men Need to Know: Actually you are lucky that most guys are totally clueless at this

While most guys are banging their heads against a wall in frustration, you can move in and totally have your pick of any girl you want.  So you’ve got great chances to be No.1 at these sites, and you can choose who you date freely.

Online Dating Tips Men Need to Know: Weave a story with your words

In online dating, words will taking you farther than anything else.  Most guys will fail because they write things like, “I’m a lawyer” or “I like kids” in their profiles, and it is extremely boring.  When you write like this, you come off as incredibly boring, which is the reason most guys fail at online dating.  A detailed description would be better than boring list of facts.  Something like this would be much better:

“Isn’t it great to just take a day off from work once in awhile and go hiking out in the forest?  I mean, what could be better than getting lost in nature’s beauty escaping from all the noise and distraction of the city?  As far as I’m concerned, nothing is better than wandering below a canopy of green leaves and watching the way the sunlight just shines through them and makes everything just seem to glow green."

See the difference?

Online Dating Tips Men Need to Know: Good first impressions count

Women tend to wait for guys to message them, so sending email will be your duty.  In your initiative email to a woman, you should be brief and catch her attention.  Women receive a ridiculous amount of emails from desperate guys every day.

The email should be just to her, so she will notice you extra attention and that you actually read her profile.  You are not a guy who is just throwing everything against the wall and hoping that something sticks by sending copy-and-paste emails to hundreds women.

Make it a short one but make sure you leave her wanting more.  When you are writing your first email to her, you should be as short as possible.  One or two sentences will be enough.  It should not be longer than this.  She may more likely to write back to you if you ask a question to her.

For example, if she is fond of Japanese food, you can ask her a short question like “Do you like natto?  Because if you do, that’s a deal-breaker” to make her laugh and think you are funny.  This is a sort of joke, and at the same time, it is giving her the her the opportunity to write back and keep the conversation going.

It is not that difficult, but many guys do not think this way.  Guys who hope to meet women online should remember the tips I’ve shared here.
Approaching girls is one of the biggest obstacles a guy faces when they see a girl they like.  This is a very difficult thing to do.    When approaching a girl, some guys have that anxiety when it comes to meeting them, but you have to work up your confidence beforehand.   Figure out what you are going to say and where you are going to meet before approaching any girl.

We can look at this a couple of ways.

Courage is a must for approaching girls.

Let’s be honest.    It’s not easy for a lot of guys when it comes to talking to girls.    The lucky ones are the guys who have no problem whatsoever when it comes to talking with girls.   Talking with girls holds a lot of guys back from becoming successful with a woman.

How come you don’t feel confident going up to a girl and having a conversation?    Do you think she will not find you attractive enough?    Do you think you will have nothing to say?    Improve upon what specifically is holding you back in order to get to the first step of talking with a girl.

Dressing better and working out to lose weight is one step toward feeling better about your looks.    If it’s your conversation that is holding you back, then find a stranger to spark a conversation with.

Where to find the girls and approach them.

A lot of guys really don’t know where girls are for an ideal conversation.    talking with women might be difficult, but you have to understand that half the world’s population is covered with women.    The globe is covered with so many women.  Finding them won’t be hard.  They’re literally everywhere!

The location plays a huge role when it comes to approaching girls.    Have something in common with the girl, at a place, and strike a conversation.    having something in common, especially the location, will make approaching girls that much easier.

Things you share in common with the girl, whether it’s at a local dance class or hobby group, can go a long way.    This will create an instant conversation. 

Approaching Girls.

You must feel prepared now, right?   There she is, across the room.    What are you going to do about it?

You better have something thought up to say to her.    Search for a reason to start a conversation with her.    Perhaps she wearing something nice, or doing something interesting that will create the conversation starter you need.

If you can’t find a good reason to talk to her, you’re probably no thinking hard enough.    If you have nothing to talk to her about try to memorize a few canned PUA routines to keep as a backup plan. 

If you know what to say and you’re feeling in a good mood, just go up and talk to her.  By talking with the girl, sooner or later you will know whether this is someone you want to continue seeing.    Ask her for her phone number, if you think she’s your type.

These are my tips for approaching girls.   It isn’t that hard after you get a few approaches under your belt.    Jump on the opportunity.   Get to know someone new.   Take the time to talk, because you never know where it might lead to.  Heck!  This women might just end up being your next girlfriend.

Have you ever found yourself talking to a girl for quite some time before really know if she likes you or if she’s just being polite?  Let’s try and give you some tips so that you never have to question whether or not she likes you.

These are the quick signs that a girl likes you:

1. She plays with her hair. This is one of those unconscious things that she can’t help but do around a guy that she likes.   She’s only doing this so you look at her.  Kind of like grooming herself so that she looks better to you.

2. She can’t take your eyes off you as she literally gazes across the room. Of course, I’m talking about that stare like, “Wow, that guy is hot!” and not like “What is wrong with him.”  The difference is pretty obvious and shouldn’t be difficult to tell which it is.

3. Another one of those unconscious things is if she looks down after you look at her. This is a submission sign from the woman, and it is totally biological.  You can’t fake this stuff.

4. She is trying to impress you if she laughs at all your jokes, especially the ones that aren’t all that great. Give her a bad one to test her and see if she laughs.  (Here’s one:  What did the dog say to the tree? bark.)

5. Biting or licking her lips while talking with you, is another great sign that she might like you.

6. If she gets all upset when someone mentions that the two of you are a couple or should be dating, and then this is another sign, however it is very complicated. This means that she just doesn’t want to come off as overly eager or that she’s just waiting for you make your move.

7. Another sign that she might like you is that she might not be eating around you, however strange that might sound. Basically, she knows that it’s pretty much impossible to look attractive while she’s shoveling meatball sub in her mouth.

8. If she is asking whether or not you are dating someone.  This is a great sign. By her asking you this, it means she likes you and wants to know if you’re available.

9. To make sure she is making the right decision in dating you, she will bring you to meet her friends so that she can get their opinions of you. You know something is going on if all of her friends are giggling or snickering like they know some kind of secret.

10. If she agrees with everything you tell her, then this is a great sign for you. Things like this don’t become any more oblivious.  She is attempting to show you that the two of you have a lot in common.

These signs will allow you to figure out if she really likes you or not.  Once you master these signs, you can just “feel it” and know if she likes you or not.  You can actually get to the point where you “inner game” is so strong that you take everything as a sign a girl likes you.

This can take hard work and determination to really master this stuff.  Have fun with it and good luck!