Approaching girls is one of the biggest obstacles a guy faces when they see a girl they like.  This is a very difficult thing to do.    When approaching a girl, some guys have that anxiety when it comes to meeting them, but you have to work up your confidence beforehand.   Figure out what you are going to say and where you are going to meet before approaching any girl.

We can look at this a couple of ways.

Courage is a must for approaching girls.

Let’s be honest.    It’s not easy for a lot of guys when it comes to talking to girls.    The lucky ones are the guys who have no problem whatsoever when it comes to talking with girls.   Talking with girls holds a lot of guys back from becoming successful with a woman.

How come you don’t feel confident going up to a girl and having a conversation?    Do you think she will not find you attractive enough?    Do you think you will have nothing to say?    Improve upon what specifically is holding you back in order to get to the first step of talking with a girl.

Dressing better and working out to lose weight is one step toward feeling better about your looks.    If it’s your conversation that is holding you back, then find a stranger to spark a conversation with.

Where to find the girls and approach them.

A lot of guys really don’t know where girls are for an ideal conversation.    talking with women might be difficult, but you have to understand that half the world’s population is covered with women.    The globe is covered with so many women.  Finding them won’t be hard.  They’re literally everywhere!

The location plays a huge role when it comes to approaching girls.    Have something in common with the girl, at a place, and strike a conversation.    having something in common, especially the location, will make approaching girls that much easier.

Things you share in common with the girl, whether it’s at a local dance class or hobby group, can go a long way.    This will create an instant conversation. 

Approaching Girls.

You must feel prepared now, right?   There she is, across the room.    What are you going to do about it?

You better have something thought up to say to her.    Search for a reason to start a conversation with her.    Perhaps she wearing something nice, or doing something interesting that will create the conversation starter you need.

If you can’t find a good reason to talk to her, you’re probably no thinking hard enough.    If you have nothing to talk to her about try to memorize a few canned PUA routines to keep as a backup plan. 

If you know what to say and you’re feeling in a good mood, just go up and talk to her.  By talking with the girl, sooner or later you will know whether this is someone you want to continue seeing.    Ask her for her phone number, if you think she’s your type.

These are my tips for approaching girls.   It isn’t that hard after you get a few approaches under your belt.    Jump on the opportunity.   Get to know someone new.   Take the time to talk, because you never know where it might lead to.  Heck!  This women might just end up being your next girlfriend.

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