Let's start at the beginning - you can't have a successful date if you can't ask her out!  Approach anxiety is landing in the way of your happiness, and it must be overcome!

You know, there's actually a debate going on over whether or not you actually can overcome approach anxiety.  Some people think that approach anxiety is hardwired into our genetic makeup.  Others insist that approach anxiety actually can be overcome.

Try out some of these tricks for overcoming approach anxiety:

The 3-second Rule

It's easy to put this approach to work.  The underlying assumption is this: the more you ponder whether or not to approach a woman, or how to, the more uncertain you become about it and the more unlikely it is you'll ever talk to her.  Don't give the fear any time to build up.  Within 3 seconds of seeing a woman you want to meet, approach her.  To be effective, you've got to commit to doing this all the time.  Don't waste time or opportunities thinking up exceptions or excuses, though, or you won't have any time left for meeting wonderful women!  There'll be times - like when you're running to catch a plane - when you really can't follow the 3-second rule, no matter how stunning and interesting she looks. But in most situations, as long as it's alright to talk out loud, go for it!

How the Power of Money Overcomes Approach Anxiety

A wingman is necessary to this approach, but it's remarkably successful.  Sometimes, just having a buddy there watching is sufficient motivation - I mean, who wants to shame himself in front of his friends by being afraid to get out there and meet the women you really want to meet?

But if you need greater motivation, try this: give your wingman $100 in cash  You get the money back - in chunks of $10 or $20, every time you approach a woman and actually talk with her.  You have to talk beforehand to determine how much he gives you back each time, and if you get more for a longer talk.  If you don't go out and meet women, then, you're going to go home broke!

Of course, in the final analysis, these are just patches, temporary fixes for a problem.  They don't really solve the problem.  To permanently remove approach anxiety from your makeup, you're going to have to put some time and effort into determining its root cause and dealing with that.

Some people think that approach anxiety is genetic, that it's hardwired into some our DNA.  I disagree with that; I think approach anxiety is learned.

When you analyze approach anxiety, you realize that what you're really feeling when you're hanging back from approaching a woman is shame.

Simply put, when you're experiencing approach anxiety, what you're really feeling at some level is shame. Perhaps there are elements of your own makeup, like your sexuality, that you're not really comfortable with, or perhaps you don't feel deserving of having such an exciting woman in your life.  Who knows?  Everyone's situation is unique, and I don't want to paint everyone with a broad brush.

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